Sunday, February 8, 2015

Keeping Bad Company.

            We have all had the experience of bad leadership. Here is how we can explore some of the skill in dealing with the leaders that just seem to miss every point about leadership.  

I have broken this down into 4 areas. These are the basics and will likely snowball into greater issues as we explore the traits that we are sew from leaders that are not meeting the grade.

The tactics of deceptive leaders:
1.   Misaligned Interest
2.   Inconsistent Leadership
3.   Negative Influence
4.   Management Mediocrity

Misaligned Leadership

Misaligned leadership becomes evident when leadership teams or indivicual leaders are not in touch with the organization, staff, or mission. This can be literal or metaphorical. If leaders are not aware of the abilities of their staff, organization or equipment they are unable to adequately make assignments that are appropriate and are setting up for failure. This level of misconduct usually lends to more of a self serving leader or ego driven leadership mentality.

When leaders operate from this platform it severely inhibits the overall baseline operations and growth of the organization. If crews aren’t able to place faith or trust into the leadership model they are not going to work to their highest potentials.

Inconsistent Leadership

Firm, fair, and consistent. This theory is lost on the inconsistent leaders. The inconsistent leader waivers on everything from accountability to discipline. When these leaders set standards they don’t apply to everyone or they will soon change with the wind. This makes it difficult for even the most dedicated professional to try and meet the standards because the standards are constantly changing. This style of leadership also tends to be inconsistent with disciplinary actions andaccountability. Staying out of hot water with this style of leadership is next to impossible. If the crew is always worried about getting in trouble they are never going to work outside of the box. They are stuck in the “we have always done it that way” world.

Negative Influence

These leaders are the hand grenade slingers. They create an environment that generally pulls the attention off of them and is all around cancerous to the organization and staff. They are quick to criticize other leaders, organizations, crew members and even policies and procedures. Ironically some of which they have promoted or developed.  They often display high levels of favoritism as well. These leaders are drunk on power. They will readily remind you that they are the boss and tell you exactly why they are the boss. They are a big deal when it comes to power posturing. They do a lot of telling and very little showing. Mentorship is lost on them.  

Management Mediocrity

When you have these leaders in place you wont be going anywhere FAST. These are the guys that have earned that rank, generally surreptitiously, and will be just as happy to dominate a desk. You will not likely find them on the training grounds and when you do they are their in a role that will likely not get their white knightness dirty. The mediocre manager will keep things low key. This leader is not willing to try new tactics and will rarely be interested in making any changes.

We realize that this is not your first exposure to these types of leadership styles.
As the future of emergency services and developing leaders are emerging we need to be conscious of these styles and kill them. These are no longer acceptable characteristics in our line of work.

We have too few people to do what we need to do safely and we can no longer afford to place people into positions of authority  that do not operate as leaders.

Too frequently authority and leadership are being placed into the wrong hands. If you’re a good leader you won’t need the authority. 

Until next time, keep yourselves safe and be ready for anything.

Be Ready. Be Willing. Be Present.


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