Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It really is about the connection.

We are taught early on that when we are connecting hose to an appliance or a water source to make sure that the connections are good. Make sure that air is not going to leak by and that the water will make it to the intended target.

If your connecting to a static water source and are pressing into drafting operations being airtight is critical. Its not only critical it is mission critical. If you are unable to pull a draft you will not be able to establish a water supply.

I am using these connections as an analogy.

When you are building your connections, your brotherhood connections, make sure that they are tight, make sure that they are strong, pay attention to them as needed and tighten them every now and then if you need to.

If your in need of the connection, if your drafting, make sure not to let the air in and disable your prime. Do not let the air cavitate you. Air is the source of negativity in this setting.

Lastly, make sure that you are working with the same thread standard. If your threads don't match, call in a company that will work with you. It's easier than refitting the entire department with new threads.

I am very thankful to have established some great connections. They support me when my tank is low, they act as an inline relay when its needed and they are will reach out when the pressure drops. In turn for them I will provide a static source, pressure when it is needed and just a little bit of CAFS if it is requested.

Double check your connections, match your threads and check the gaskets.
Your brothers are doing the same. 

Be Ready. Be Willing. Be Present.


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