Thursday, March 26, 2015

Don't get your pride wrong.

I think that we have come to a time where we need to step back and evaluate the message that we are sending on pride.
To be perfectly clear I think that we are getting it wrong.

I, much like you, am very proud to be a firefighter. I am proud to be in a profession that is steeped in tradition and is solely based on what we can provide for others. I do carry on a long family tradition and am honored to be able to.

In our chosen profession we are, by nature, giving people. We want to provide all that we can for every person that we come into contact with. We want to be the person that extinguishes the fire or saves a loved one. We are supposed to be selfless and brave. I am going with the notion that most of the time we are on the mark.

I am aware that there are a few anomalies that have managed to maintain that level of dedication to one another that was only destroyed by illegal acts that forced expulsion or by death. That’s right, I am saying that you were in until you were kicked out or you passed on and even then if you had passed on believe me you would never be forgotten.

I have been fortunate. There are some that have stayed the course as I have moved from agency to agency I also have been blessed enough to have met some new brothers and sisters along the way. They are like gold.

The pride that we are supposed to be focusing on is for our house, for our job and for each other. We have to be proud of each other.

If your spending too much time being proud of yourself your not doing it right.
This job is not about you. Ever.

Teaching about the past is valuable. As we move forward with progress we need to be conscious of the past. Their likely is a reason that something is done that way that it is. It does not mean that we cant look it over and see if we can do it more efficiently or safely. This may seem odd from a guy that is hosting a page titled NEXGEN but I am concerned that the message is being crossed. I strongly believe that we are able to bridge the gap. 

I am very much about progress. I am very much about promoting and educating the next generation of leaders and firefighters. I am all about scientifically proven tactics applied to fire suppression.

I am also about brothers and sisters recognizing that there is much more to this than “I”.

This goes well beyond being the smartest or fastest or favorite person in the department. This goes beyond the wall full of plaques and degrees and certificates.

This starts with a core human value: Compassion.

We are losing the compassion for one another not just in the fire service but in the human race.

As you go forth from here think about how you can bring compassion back to the table. Think of the one act that you can bestow upon the others. This is your family. This is your crew. You depend on them just as much as they depend on you.

Maybe it is time that we stop letting each other down. Perhaps it is time for us to step back and look at how we can make we better. It isn’t going to be easy and there is likely going to be a bunch of yelling, kicking, screaming, bitching, pissing, and moaning. Build the better fire service culture from you. 
Start with you. Start with one small step.

I am beginning with me. My first step is to be less critical of people. This doesn’t mean that I am going to be handing out free passes all around folks. It just means that I need to be more approving of things. Less smug I guess.  

What are you going to do?

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