Sunday, March 15, 2015

Be 100%.

I sit down to write tonight not to promote my organization, not to bring in the dollars, not to develop some sort of strong hold on a market. I sit down to write tonight because I feel compelled to.

NexGen started as a vision. The vision that I would someday travel the globe speaking on the behalf of the up and comers within organizations and companies and motivate them to do their best in everything that they do. I wanted to be the person that had the one phrase that would bring someone to a new level of understanding and motivation. There are many amazing programs out there that are under recognized or utilized. We have a wealth of possibilities. By no means have I met my mark, but I am not calling myself a failure either.

I have interacted with people from many walks of life and many successful people through this journey. Some have given me guidance and advice and others not so much.

What I am saying is that at some point along the way I discovered something. I am fallible. I am real.

I have watched countless guru videos on team building, leadership motivation, organizational culture and to this point have found that they are all kind of saying the same thing. Do your best, seek to improve daily, stay motivated toward a goal and find your path. I am still finding my path. I am human. I am real.

I will continue to seek out ways to improve myself. If I don’t I am not benefitting myself, my family or my community. My journey is quite different. My journey is solely mine and yours is solely yours. All we can do through this time is try to understand that we are all on our own journeys and that we must stay focused on our journey.

I have goals that are still on the horizon and I am working toward them. The path toward my goals isn’t always clear to me. I am sure that all in time they will be revealed. I just have to be still enough and quiet enough to see the plans laid out for them.

I sat down with the blank screen with thoughts of discussing my outreach toward God and working to discover my purpose in life. I was going to write great things about the lessons that I am learning and how my soul is changing. But that is my journey. Not yours. I am human. I am real.

So as I finish tonight please understand this. We all have a journey. Many of us don’t recognize this journey until it is almost over. I don’t want to be that guy. I want to be part of my journey. I want to be a human being….not a human doing.

Go out. Be safe. Be well. Respect the journey.


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