Friday, September 23, 2016

Traveling left of center.

I believe that everyone has a moment or two where they have swung wide and are a bit off balance from where they might want to be. In our world of chaos and confusion it's easy to lose focus or drop the ball. Most everyone is guilty and if they say they aren't they just haven't realized it yet. 

This isnt always anything that is intended. It usually occurs in the times of growth or change  The times when we have to make adjustments. 

It stands to reason that as you are adding things into the "loop" of your world that some things are going to be thrown off balance. I am habitually guilty of over tasking myself. 

Eventually it becomes evident that you have a problem.

Sometimes its all career oriented stress. Sometimes it's personal related stress. Sometimes it's a combination. 

Sometimes you've pushed the self destruct button. 

It's easy to lose yourself and others in the day to day grind. You forget what your initial drive was and why you started it all to begin with. Something changed the intended outcome or the goal set was adjusted. 

Not everything in life has a reset option. The journey from struggle and challenge is not a one way trip. You have to be willing to make the trip seveal times. 

Surrounding yourself with a support network will help you prevail. Consider your board of directors of carefully. Not everyone cheering is on your team. 

Be authentic. Be honest. Admit failures. Network everything. It's about education and growth. It's not about you.

Monday, September 5, 2016

We are changing directions.......are you?

Its hard.

Its going to get harder. 

Nobody is going to be there to make it easier for you. 

Your going to have to do this yourself. 

These are the things that are not discussed. These are the things that no one has covered in a text book. This is the time that was never covered on the drill yard. Its going to take hard work, dedication and grit. Lots and lots of grit. If your going to move forward in an instant information saturated world your going to have to be quicker and smarter than the other guy. He's already proven he's really smart. He uses big words. He has pretty certificates and such on the wall. He's already ahead of you and you haven't even begun to fill out the paperwork for the promotional process yet. You've already told yourself its not worth the effort anyway. 

All those things are right. 

Its like the old phrase goes.

Whether you think you can, or you think you cant, you're right. - Henry Ford. 

So how do you proceed? 

You can let the chance pass by. Its easy enough to do. There are easily a million reasons to not commit to the situation, at least, that is what you've told yourself. 

Take a knee. Its not going to kill you. Let the words come from your mouth and leave you. If for anything other than to put an actual breath to your dream. Say it out loud. 

Build yourself a network and a support system. 

This is where the challenge is. Being certain whom is on your team is going to be crucial. Not everyone on the ship is paddling in the same direction and some may not be paddling at all. Find yourself a core group that will support you in your mission and that are going to hold you accountable for the things that you said you were going to do. They are going to have very frank things to say to you. 

Nothing ever worthwhile is easy. 

Your not going to achieve your goals overnight. 

If you do, it was a task not a goal. 

Finishing a class is a task. Completing the required concepts of study for your master's level program is still a task. Goals are measurable. Goals require constant evaluation and dedication. 

Goals require grit. 

  1. 1.
    small, loose particles of stone or sand.
    "she had a bit of grit in her eye"
  2. 2.
    Courage and resolve; strength of character.
    "he displayed the true grit of the navy pilot"
    synonyms:couragebraverypluckmettlebackbonespirit, strength of character,
    strength of will, moral fiber, steelnervefortitude, toughness,

The world is changing around us. We have to be ready. 
We have to change with it. 

Look for those that keep you on the level. When the world falls apart reach UP and then reach out. 

We are here if you need it. 

Get out and do the things that someone told you that you couldn't do.